Leaving ADDIE???

A useful quote from Michael Allen, founder of Allen Interactions, in his book. Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An Agile Model for Developing the Best Learning Experiences:

Meaningful, memorable, and motivational … these are the characteristics I feel are imperative for the success of instructional events. Lacking any of these three, an instructional experience fails to be what it should and needs to be.

… instruction isn’t primarily about presenting information. And learning isn’t primarily about knowing things.The goal is always about performance. What can people do with their new knowledge? What skills are necessary for success? One never succeeds without doing something. Deciding not to do something is, of course, making the decision not to—and thus is doing something, the something one might have learned was appropriate. Follow? Even in academia, we want our students to be good problem solvers and good conversationalists. We want them to realize when the knowledge they have is applicable, and we want them to apply it successfully. It’s about doing things.
Michael Allen, founder of Allen Interactions

Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An Agile Model for Developing the Best Learning Experiences. ASTD Press, 2012.

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